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Medpet M&B 693 0.5g 50 Tablets


SKU: AWG0621 Category:


For the treatment of white scours in calves and pneumonia, footrot, joint – ill and navel–ill in calves, lambs, kids, foals and piglets.

  • 2 Tablets per 5 kg body mass followed by halve initial dose daily for a maximum of four days.
  • Do not use in Ruminants older than 3 months..
  • Animals under treatment should have free access to ample drinking water during treatment and for at least two days after last treatment.
  • Do not slaughter animals for human consumption within 7 days of last treatment.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure of this remedy may ensue as a result of a wide rage of reasons.